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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Der Penis Plug kam wie bestellt schnell und neutral verpackt. Er hat eine gute Verarbeitung und lässt sich gut einführen. Als passiver Mann kann man seinen Spass damit haben.
It is huge, be careful and get trained to it. I love to play with the small and bigger end. For anal play I meanwhile can input it completely which is great fun. No issue for me for a total insert, as of the heavy weight it will easily come out.
A lovely complement to this slaves chastity cage. Excellent quality and powerful appearance. Lovely weight so it reminds itself all the time. Will gracethis slaves balls often and long.
Gut verarbeitet diese geile Hand, geht super rein, aber man muss schon gut geweitet sein. Vor allem wenn er ganz in mir drinnen ist und den inneren Muskelring durchdringt. Für mich wäre ca.10 mm mehr Durchmesser ideal da er jetzt leicht reingeht als am Anfang.
Love the looks and the weight, gets me rock hard and so much so I'm ordering the larger size and the weight, well let's just say it gets me noticed by the boys.
I love heavy metal cock rings and this is one of my favorites - great finish and design that is comfortable to wear for hours. Planning to get the same in a slightly larger size so I can stack the two of them for even more fun.
I am extremely pleased with this cock ring. I've found that a lot of silicone cock rings become uncomfortably tight for me after a little time. This fits perfectly for me. I've worn it a few times now, up to three hours and it remained very comfortable during play and when just wearing it for kicks. It feels great, very hefty but it's a pleasant weight that keeps bringing your attention to your junk when you're wearing it. Creates a very meaty bulge.