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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Superior product to other 'flesh lights' I've owned
Great product, the interior is out of this world on the shaft. It's a bit smaller than I would like if you're above 7" you're going to not be able to fully insert with force without hurting yourself but it's still absolutely lovely feeling and great for a quick bash out just with a little attention. I like the aesthetic too, which isn't seedy just clean and modern. If you like a slow and tantric moment stay away this will make you release in minutes. Also so easy to clean properly!!!
J'ai recu un HANKEYstoys qui fait 30cm sur 12cm de large donc enorme que vous pouvez voir sur ma chaine Youtube (Bottom toys gay sextoys) il fallait donc une ventouse HAUTE PRESSION ! franchement elle est genial car on peut aller dans tous les sens y compris à 90 degres ! ELLE EST TOP !!!
Ottimo acquisto, un prodotto che mi ha aiutato veramente tanto nella sua semplicità. Consiglio a tutti di provarlo, non rimarrete delusi dal primo utilizzo.
Mit diesem doppelten Griff lassen sich auch sehr schwere Dildos problemlos manövrieren. Die Montage ist ein Kinderspiel. Einfach den Dildo drauf stecken und fertig.
kann mich nicht beklagen oder irgend etwas bemängeln......über den geruch muss man sich beim material bewusst sein aber mit auslüften war das gar kein problem
I had already tried this dildo at a friend's house and knew straightaway that I wanted one for myself. It is made from a very soft jelly material and this helps with insertion as it alters shape once pressure is applied and "finds it's way in".
Super Material und die Form ist total realistisch. Ich benutze die Faust wenn ich allein bin zusammen mit dem Easy Squat oder mit dem passenden Griff und/oder auch mit dem Saugnapfzubehör.