Accesoriul tău suprem pentru pierderea totală a controlului! Cu "Use & Abuse 2.0" nu primești doar un accesoriu bondage, ci instrumentul suprem pentru sesiuni BDSM uluitoare în care poți redefini limitele supunerii. Acest Humbler realizat cu măiestrie este cheia ta către o lume în care plăcerea și controlul se îmbină în cel mai incitant mod.
Descoperă noi dimensiuni ale dominării: Cu "Use & Abuse 2.0" nu primești doar un accesoriu bondage, ci instrumentul suprem pentru sesiuni BDSM uluitoare, în care poți redefini limitele supunerii.
Acest produs realizat cu măiestrie este cheia ta către o lume în care plăcerea și controlul se îmbină în cel mai incitant mod. Cea mai înaltă calitate pentru sesiuni solicitante: Use & Abuse 2.0 a fost fabricat de MEO din piele de vițel de înaltă calitate, unul dintre cei mai importanți producători de accesorii BDSM. Pielea de vițel este cunoscută pentru durabilitatea și moliciunea sa, ceea ce o face perfectă pentru cele mai intense și pasionale sesiuni de bondage.
Puteți fi siguri că acest accesoriu va rezista rigorilor oricărei sesiuni fără a sacrifica confortul. Flexibil și intuitiv de utilizat:
Securitate și control maxim: Setul include șase lacăte care se blochează în același mod, permițându-vă să blocați în siguranță fiecare componentă individuală.
Alternativ, puteți utiliza dispozitivul digital de blocare a timpului MEOBOND pentru a controla cu precizie durata bondării - ideal pentru sesiuni BDSM lungi sau dacă doriți să renunțați complet la control. Versatilitate pentru jocul solo și cu partener: Use & Abuse 2.0 este potrivit pentru sesiuni solo, precum și pentru utilizarea cu un partener. Pentru bondage solo, puteți regla cătușele astfel încât să vă puteți strecura mâinile în cătușe chiar în spatele spatelui - o modalitate ușoară de a intra, dar o provocare de a ieși din nou.
Atunci când un partener îți pune cătușele, experiența devine și mai intensă, deoarece nu mai există scăpare. De ce să aștepți?
Renunță la control: Use & Abuse 2.0 îți oferă combinația perfectă de pierdere a controlului, funcționalitate și siguranță pentru a-ți trăi cele mai sălbatice fantezii.
Comandați acum și experimentați cât de incitantă și satisfăcătoare poate fi o sesiune de bondage!Mai multe detalii:
Eine geniale Kombination aus Fessel und Keuschheitsgeschirr!
Mit dieser genialen Fessel von MEO habe ich eine neue Ebene der BDSM-Erlebnisse entdeckt. Dieses neue, raffinierte Fessel fesselt nicht nur die Handgelenke hinter dem Rücken, sondern verbindet das beste Stück des Trägers mit einem verstellbaren Lederriemen direkt mit den Handgelenken. Alles ist abschließbar und es gibt kein Entkommen. Jede Bewegung der Handgelenke zieht an den Genitalien und sorgt für ein aufregendes und intensives Erlebnis.
Die mit Leder gefütterten Handfesseln sind sehr anpassungsfähig. Nicht nur die Enge um das Handgelenk kann eingestellt werden, sondern auch der Abstand zwischen den Handgelenken. Dies ermöglicht eine individuelle Anpassung an den Träger und dessen Tragekomfort.
Der verstellbare Riemen, der von den Handgelenksmanschetten zwischen den Pobacken zu einem weichen, verschließbaren Lederriemen um Penis und Hoden führt, erhöht die Vielseitigkeit dieser Vorrichtung. Damit kann die Spannung zwischen den Handgelenken und den Genitalien variiert werden, je nachdem, wie bequem der Sub sein soll.
Die Fessel wird mit sechs gleichschließenden Vorhängeschlössern geliefert, kann aber auch mit dem digitalen Zeitschloss von MEO verriegelt werden.
Für Solo-Fesselspiele können nach dem Verschließen des Cock-Straps die Handfesseln so eingestellt werden, dass die Hände und Handgelenke fest hinter dem Rücken in die Fesseln geschoben werden können. Es ist viel einfacher, die Hände hineinzuschieben, als sie wieder herauszuziehen. Es ist sehr effektiv, aber ja, man kann sich mit etwas Kraftaufwand daraus befreien. Aber wenn jemand anderes dieses Gerät anlegt, gibt es kein Entkommen.
Alles in allem ist das Wrist to Cock Locking Restraint eine hervorragende Ergänzung für jede BDSM-Sammlung und bietet aufregende und intensive Erlebnisse. Aber Vorsicht: Diese Fessel ist nichts für Anfänger oder Zartbesaitete!
Review from
Today my wife was having a girl party and only invited a few friends over for a little snack an entertainment. The entertainment of course was me! My wife had a new idea about letting certain friends have a shot at me with whatever they wanted to do, yep whatever! Let me explain to you on how I was looking at this party. I was on this two level dungeon chair leaning forward bent over at the waist, with my face close to the ground. I have that famous red ball gag and a pair of black silk panties of my wife’s over my head with a blindfold on. Was that the worst of it? Nope! I was tied very tight to that chair with black large leather cuffs around the back with this extra strap in the middle. This extra strap was attached to my sack! Yes, that sack! The more I tried to move the cuffs from side to side or back and forth it pulled on the sack and well you know where that was going! Nowhere.
Abuse-me-Fuck-me-Restraint-MEO (1)
So, there I was exposed and could not move while my wife and her party enjoyed themselves. Every now and the someone would come by and either smack a good one on the behind or yank on something for a sec or two. I promised, I did try several times to fight the restraints, but I was not going anywhere. Well I could hear the party winding down, or I thought! It was just beginning, all the women walked over to me and started in! AHHHHH! I thought as they all started!
Want to know what was holding me in place! Well it was: Wrist to Cock Locking Restraint
This new device fuses the best CBT stimulation. Secure wrist in adjustable leather restraints, then attach adjustable leather cock strap around base of penis. Attach 3 brass locks for additional security and there is no escape! MEO says –
Hält was es verspricht
Ab der Bestellung schnelle und diskrete Lieferung . Kann es nur empfehlen meine Freundin und ich haben unseren Spaß und auch nach mehrfacher Benutzung keine Ermüdungserscheinungen *fg
Nicht nur von guter Qualität für den Preis SONDERN auch eine richtig ultimative Fessel, die dem Sub zeigt wo er hingehört ... auch sehr flexibel einsetzbar, da man die Teile von einander trennen kann...
sehr zu empfehlen für wen wo devot ist
sauscharfes teil. ist zwar in gewissen positionen etwas unbequem aber erfüllt seinen zweck voll und ganz...bei jeder bewegung zieht es unten ganz schön heftig. entkommen kann ich so nicht und mein top lässt mich dann zugucken wenn er spass mit anderen hat. dann legt er mir auch noch vorher einen keuschheitsgürtel an.
kanni ich echt nur empfehlen
Great device
My wife keeps me in this while she fucks her 23 year old boy friend, usually in front of me. She keeps me locked up in a NoPacha all day. When her bofriend comes over I Am put in this device. I love it as wifey gives me twenty strokes on the cock with her whip. she is in the room getting laid as I write this. Nopacha keeps me from wacking off.
Heavenly product.
My master purchased this item for me and when it arrived he immediately restrained me. I was made to bend over our bed while he invited a friend in to fuck him. I strained and strained while he boned his ass until I came all over. Then, while his friend tugged on my scrotum, I was made to lick up my cum. Heavenly product.
Best product ever
Fantastic product, I found it a little fiddly to get locked the first time my wife put it on me, but I guess the leather will soften with use, for anyone who wants that more secure helpless fealing I whole heartedly recomend this device, my wife loves it and wants me in it all the time :) One very happy hubby.
The more you struggle, the more you realise just how vulnerable you really are! The Wrist to Ball Restraint set from MEO is an ingenious system designed to keep a submissive’s hands behind his back while keeping them tethered to his ball sack. Yes you read that right! The more you pull way the harder you yank on your own ball sack so it would be in your own best interest to stay still.
The adjustable leather cuffs are permanently attached to each other and come with a removable ball strap. When used without the ball strap they make an excellent set of hand cuffs which can be used on men and women. The ball strap features adjustable lengths so you can pick how much slack to give or none at all. The ball cuff itself is fully adjustable so you can find the perfect fit for all ball sacks.
There is NO getting out of them with the cock strap in place.
There is NO getting out of them with the cock strap in place. Even without the cock strap would be really surprised if you could get free. Outstanding workman ship. The leather is of really good quality
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