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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Heavy, beautifully formed metal clamps with connecting chain. The clamp surfaces are furnished with a rubber mount. They grip extremely firmly and won’t slip or drop off.
Le matériau est en silicone et il est très lisse au toucher. Pour opérer, il y a un bouton-poussoir unique sur la base, où on met la batterie et ce qui rend très facile d'ajuster la vitesse et les vibrations lors de l'utilisation Je recommanderais ce produit et j' en acheterai un à nouveau.
They could use these little guys to obtain secrets from a spy!! Not for the light hearted. These little f*&ers feel like they are about to pierce and macerate any body part that they come into. Certain to make all but the most resilient of boys beg for mercy.
Ok so I'm pretty new at ball stretching but decided to try this. The product is of very high quality the leather is extremely soft and comfortable to wear. Although it is extremely heavy well for me any way it does what you expect and pulls and stretches the balls extremely well.
Ich hab schon ein paar Cock Ringe ausprobiert. Für mich sind diese Cock Ringe hier von MEO das beste und hilfreichste Utensil, das man sich als Mann kaufen kann. Da braucht man kein Viagra, sondern kann auf ganz natürlichem und gesundem Weg längeres und härteres Stehvermögen genießen. Der Cock Ring selber ist dank des Magneten einfach anzulegen und auch wieder abzunehmen. Beim Verkehr sitzt er auch bombenfest!
È stato veramente una sorpresa, inizialmente pensavo fosse piccolo, ma in realtà si adatta perfettamente alla forma e ha una elasticità e resistenza incredibili
It is incredibly soft. I have tried it out a time or two. Of course I did not get any reaction. No looks or anything, but still I knew it was there and was loving it. I may end up trying it again on an outing to the coffee shop. Going and just sitting at a table with a book and from time to time checking to see if I am getting any reactions.
I did buy the large and am glad I did. I am not sure why the small and medium, but there is probably a use for them. If you feel for the need then this may help if it is just knowing it is there and no one else looks or notices. Again I am glad I purchased it.