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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Ich find die Tasche super. So bleibt das Toy immer sicher vor Staub. Oftmals kann man die Toys ja schlecht in ihren eigentlichen Verpackungen lassen, da die nur aus Plastik oder Karton sind. Daher finde ich die Tasche ne gute Alternative und bin super zufrieden.
Add some functionality to your bed, with this inflatable massage
Whether you're into Wet and Messy play, sploshing, watersports, or even just trying to organize a lube wrestling match, the Gang Bang Private Wet Playground lets you and your partner get as dirty as you want. Use this spill-proof sheet with inflatable borders on your bed or carpet, without having to worry about making a mess in unwanted places. The material is durable and easy to clean, allowing your filthiest fantasies to finally be fulfilled.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan
This shoulder bag from Meo really does fit a need that I had, and it performs very well indeed. I have used it for several kinky BDSM sessions now, and it still surprises me at how much kit I can carry in it without going overboard.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan from Meo is perfect for my style of fun. The small mesh pockets are incredibly useful, and the small zip pocket is ideal for my valuables. Having the double zip on the main pocket means that I can carry canes and crops with them sticking out of the top. This is a very flexible solution to the problem of carrying your kit around.
I use it for BDSM kit, but it would also be great for everyday use as well. If you are looking for a new bag, then give this one from Meo a thought and check out their other wares on their site too.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/toy-bag-from-meo-monostrap-backpack-review.html
Using it since last few days and experience no problem, the locks do come with set of instruction which should help you change the combo to what you like. I am very happy with this product and recommend anybody who is looking for a good lock solution.
I regulary make video on youtube and Instagram (Msieurjeremy) to preventing . I have receive it to make a pop's videos and it's very good quality metal . The only things it's i found the 2 tubes, maybe too tight / thin , but it's easy to use, and more safe .
I love my set of Bad Puppy Knee Pads, they are very comfortable to wear, even for extended periods of time. They keep my knees warm and comfortable when kneeling or when indulging in a bit of pet play. The little dog tag that comes with the set is to die for, it is so cute and is now on my collar. The best thing about this set of knee pads is that they are not just for puppy play, any sex act that involves kneeling can be made so much more comfortable. Thanks Meo.
Die Absorber sind eine praktische Erfindung wenn man so wie ich auf Poppers steht. Sie speichern die Flüssigkeit perfekt und geben sie gezielt ab. Mann kann sie auch direkt in die Nase stecken oder in die Gasmaske, Inhalatormaske oder Nasenstifte. Ganz toll!