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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
The head of the penis is filled with nerves, as is the urethra, which feel amazing when stimulated. This device is designed to both stimulate and stretch the urethra adding new sensations and training for larger sounds. Can also be used for liquid play.
Der Eichelring betont die Eichel des Mannes besonders gut, während die Spermabremse ein gutes Gefühl im Inneren der Eichel auslöst. Bei eintretender Erektion unterstützt die Ring die besonders pralle Füllung der Eichel. Beim Abspritzen ist die Spermabremse das gefühlssteigernde Moment.
I was dubious about this at first. I thought is was a 100% no-no to pump air into the bladder. Sterile saline or water is fine, but you still have to be very hygienic. But having read all about it and knowing the limitations I have used this three times since last week. You don't actually have to push this in very far. It is just the air pressure from squeezing the bulb that moves air when it has nowhere else to go. When filling the bladder, it is kind of tickling deep inside - really good. But the best is when you late the air go - it kind of rattles the inside of your urethra and makes the most amazing fart noises!! After an evening session I do find a little residual air in the bladder, which either comes out a little later or first thing in the a.m. The farts produce lots of frothy bubbles.
Schon das Anlegen des Cockilators ist aufregend, insbesondere das Einführen der Harnröhrenelektrode. Mit dem Einschalten der Impulse beginnt der geile Genuss. Kurz vor dem Finale können mir die Impulse nicht stark genug sein vor lauter (im Sinne des Wortes) Geilheit.
Cette sonde est un must, utilisée dans un sens (boules en premier) elle permet d'ouvrir l'urètre en douceur. Utilisée dans sa grande longueur, elle vient stimuler doucement la prostate au rythme de la masturbation. Je la laisse descendre doucement dans ma queue, quand les 15mm ont passé le resserrement du méat urinaire et que seules deux petites boules dépassent du gland je me branle doucement jusqu'à une éjaculation somptueuse.
Product arrived quickly & is well made. The rounded ribs make it easy to insert & comfortable to wear, and the ability to allow fluids to flow-through makes it perfect. The ring on the end makes it easy to hook up to an estim power box, using an alligator clip, and it feels great when using itwith electrical current, or without. Yum.
Très pratique pour élargir lentement et en douceur le méat et l'urètre , en alternance avec l'étireur de pénis réf 1113/00 , l'Ace réf 9576/S02 (12-16-20 ) , et le set de sondes Hegar réf 4271/00 , cela a permis de passer de 8mm à 18mm ,puis 19mm avec l'étireur , et 20mm avec l'Ace ;et je passe ce jour commande du vibrateur Fat Monster réf 9577/00 de 21mm . Et toujours prudence et stérilisation .....!
Wir sind vom Tailbone Alpha Urethral Sound Penis Plug total begeistert und möchten ihn nicht mehr missen. Ich kann den Plug in kompletter Länge einführen. Ab einer gewissen Tiefe habe ich wirklich das Gefühl, das er sich bei Bewegung wie von selbst in die Harnröhre einsaugt.
I find the entire journey from the initial entry, the various sensations produced as each section passes through the tip of my penis and the feeling of the sound as it goes deeper inside me to be incredibly erotic. This is a must have for those who want to experience the pleasure that can be found within.
A perfect stecher, but it didn't enter on first time, as it wanted to be domesticated. But, with giving a couple more screws every day, the whole will enter. However, it could be better to plan times of rest between two testing, even some weeks. And let note that there is a left-handed screw.