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De la 18
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Les explications d'utilisation ne sont pas inutiles, pour être sûr que les poils disparaissent bien! dommage que ce soit écrit si petit!! Mais le produit est efficace et simple d'utilisation.
Uno no sabe lo que puede o no puede usar hasta que se decanta por un producto como este. Muy buena relación calidad precio. Pulverizas un par de "flus" y dejas actuar unos minutos (no se siente nada, solo el frescor del líquido). Entonces te pones manos a la obra y se hace la magia. Duras mas tiempo en lo que viene siendo tu relación. Hemos quedado muy satisfechos con el producto. Lo recomiendo 100%.
I'll never use another lube (aside from EZ2FUCK silicone) after having used this. Its the best feeling of any that's I've tried. And as hard as it is to take your time when using this product... It definitely lasts. And when you need to reapply, tiny amount. It doesn't stain, washes off easily with soap and water.
Also, nach einer richtig intensiven Spanking-Session, wo die Pobacken ganz schön was aushalten müssen, ist eine pflegende Creme wie die von MEO echt ein Segen. Stell dir vor, deine Haut ist nach dem ganzen Spaß ziemlich gereizt und vielleicht sogar ein bisschen wund. Eine gute Creme beruhigt dann die Haut, spendet Feuchtigkeit und unterstützt die Regeneration. Das fühlt sich nicht nur super an, sondern hilft auch, die Haut zu pflegen und geschmeidig zu halten. Also, ich sag's dir, nach einer Session greife ich immer zur Creme von MEO – das macht den ganzen Unterschied. Es ist wie eine kleine Belohnung für die Haut und sorgt dafür, dass ich schnell wieder bereit für die nächste Bestrafung bin!
Elle sent délicieusement bon, parfaite pour une utilisation quotidienne sur tout le corps. Elle se porte comme un parfum. C'est une huile 'sèche' qui ne donne pas la sensation de coller après application. Allez-y sans modération !
Ich habe mir dieses Spray gekauft, da mir das Blasen immer Probleme bereitet hat. Mit diesem Produkt bin ich sehr zufrieden; jetzt geht es ganz tief hinein.
Cleaning your sex toys has never been easier than with Meo VERYC
This product is incredibly easy to use, and it leaves your sex toys squeaky clean, and you know that they are spotless.
Efficient sex toy cleaning is essential to reducing the risks of yeast infections or worse. It is even more critical if using sex toys anally where bacteria are more prevalent.
I love how this solution doesn't smell of alcohol, and I like the after smell left on the toy, it also goes a long way to help cover any odours on butt plugs.
Read full review: https://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/meo-veryclean-2-0-universal-sex-toy-cleaning-spray-review.html
MEO Extreme Delay Gel, as the name suggests, is designed to ensure your man lasts longer during sex, Something we could all do with, right?
It comes in a handy 30ml dispenser tube with a pop off lid which has simple labelling which is brilliant: “EXTREME DELAY: Buttfucking Into Overtime!” Love it!
The instructions and reviews advise that a small amount of the MEO Extreme Delay Gel rubbed into the penis goes a long way. The gel had no offensive smells and my partner got ready heeding the advice of others.
Did it work? Welcome to the Sex Triathlon.
Stage 1 – Oral Sex I really worked his cock orally. He remained erect and very excited. I had no unpleasant taste and it really got us both in the mood for more. No orgasm. Stage 1: passed.
Stage 2 – Vaginal Sex We went at it fast and hard in many different positions and I was amazed that he was still hard and still hadn’t cum. I know what he’s like usually so can confirm this stuff really is working… Well done Mr Strapon_banana for good effort throughout. No orgasm. Stage 2: passed.
Stage 3 – Anal Sex He’s still rock hard and we were both incredibly horny at the final stage of the Sex Triathlon. With some prep and warm up for me we made a start on the last leg. Once I started to get into the rhythm the anal sex was fantastic – long lasting and very orgasmic as I played with my clit during doggy position. So, stage 3: did he get through it without cumming? NOPE! And my word it sounded like a wonderfully intense orgasm, judging by the noises he made. We failed on the final leg and he ejaculated inside me but we didn’t care. We both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty mess, then after some recovery time we both enjoyed a wonderfully romantic shower reflecting on the great evening we had together.
To conclude, the MEO Extreme Delay Gel does exactly what it says on the tin. Go for it and enjoy your very own Sex Triathlon.
Read the full review at: carasutra.co.uk/review/meo-extreme-delay-gel-review
I love it - it's an amazing product, my pink hole is now perfect porcelain, I just want to show it off to everyone! And my next day delivery arrived as promised.