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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Die Mundmaske mit Aufpumpknebel ist von der Verarbeitung her sehr gut. Das Leder ist super und den Verschluss am Hinterkopf merkt man absolut gar nicht.... Hiermit werdet ihr auf jeden Fall eine menge Spaß beim Bondage haben ;)! Preis-Leistungsverhältnis stimmt für die Qualität auch.....
Un dildo XXL gonfiabile, che ho chiamato Gargantula, imponente nelle sue prestazioni, grandioso e intimidatorio. Se avete voglia di qualcosa di sostanzioso, non andate a cercare oltre, con Gargantula dildo gigante avrete quello che il vostro recondito desiderio di dominazione vuole. Il vostro giocattolo, potrà essere utilizzabile così come è, oppure gonfiarlo fino alle dimensioni desiderate. Lo stelo si presenta con una testa fallica realistica e venature naturali, che una volta gonfiato, aumentano notevolmente le loro potenzialità, diventando dossi e creste iper stimolanti. Una volta inserita, Gargantula può essere gonfiato ad una dimensione più ampia pompando la pompetta allegata. Per sgonfiarlo,in tutta sicurezza, è sufficiente ruotare la manopola alla base della pompa.
Happy with our purchase, seems to be of good quality, works as it should. We use it for sex play, 'nuff said. It arrived days ahead of schedule, we received notice it was shipped the same day we ordered, very responsive seller. We would order again from them.
Thanks for being here as such a great part of the BDSM scene and for coming up with the most fantastic Bondage Gear in the world. I've seen copies of your stuff and it doesn't compare with the real stuff from you guys.
I got the S-M-L set. When they arrived I will admit I was slightly horrified at the sizes! However, within a week, The small was too small, and the medium was just right. However, the step from medium to large is ... considerable. I have had to buy an intermediate plug in order to work up to the large, which I now feel is possible, though it is likely the limit of my anatomy - I have to tilt it to get it past my tailbone, and have yet to get it past my sphincter. It's close, though.
Not sure I could ever go 24/7 with these. I think being skinny means I have less padding when I sit down, so they are never really comfortable, plus these never quite feel secure enough for my peace of mind, even wearing a thong to keep things snug. However, they are a pleasant feeling nonetheless.
Not sure what to do with the small one at the moment, though. I would risk having it vanish inside me if I tried it now!
My only suggestion for improvement would be to make the base flange oval instead of round, and perhaps very slightly bigger - it is a bit too close to the largest insertable size. This would improve both comfort and safety in my opinion.
Oh, and maybe something more secure than just the press-in plugs to seal the hole, though that would be a tricky piece of design, I suppose.
Just use another small lock and then use this product to lock up the small key in a metal box. You can even have a backup small key somewhere else that is inconvenient, embarrassing, messy, etc, to get to. For safety, maybe choose a place that's quick but messy. Ideas? For some uses, a sealed envelope. Another idea, your lover knows where an extra key is, but won't tell you until you perform a task. Or you can wait--your choice. Ideas? J
Schönes Produkt, ist für alle Hüftumfänge geeignet. Es sind alle gängigen Dildos oder Buttplugs einzuspannen und es ist auch 100 % so wie beschrieben. Top
I've tried a leather hood but there was not enough "give" in it and found it too hard to get on and off.
This is the perfect hood to control my pathetic little slave.The spandex is perfect as it's easy to put on over his ugly little head and he remains in total darkness for as long as I wish. He can't see what I'm doing to him but, by heaven, he can feel it!
A great blindfold for the price. Comfortable and easy to wear, it doesn't slip and slide around like wider blindfolds can, and the contoured eye padding means there are no "peep holes" even when I'm lying flat on my back. And the leather smell is quite erotic. Excellent value overall.