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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Avec les pads fétiches pratiques, tu peux te laisser aller lors de ta session et réaliser tes fantasmes les plus sales à ta guise, sans te soucier du sol, des meubles et des coussins. Les Fetish Pads de 60 x 90 cm se déplient facilement, se posent sur la surface de jeu souhaitée et contribuent à une atmosphère sexy en noir traditionnel. En voyage ou à l'hôtel, les draps protègent les sièges de voiture, les tapis et les lits des taches et te protègent des nettoyages fatigants.
It may be small but do not underestimate its power when in the hands of a sadist. My wife brought this and I didn't think much of it but I was in for a shock. She said lets have some fun handcuffed me, gaged me and lead me to the garage. She had wrapped a metal chain around the roof beam and my hand cuffs forcing me in to a bent over position and secured in place with the time lock. She then told me that she was going out with her girl friends and wouldn't be back till the following day. She also declined to tell me how long the lock was set for and then she left. Who knows how long I struggled against my restraints it felt like days but finally the lock poped open and I was free well almost free
"This cage is my beautiful home”, I give this model 5 stars. Being the good little slave I am, I'm in here 23.75 hours day, seven days a week. Master has kept me locked in here for 10 years now and I'm pretty proud of how I've spruced the place up and really made it my own.