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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Orice cățeluș uman sau câine adult de sex masculin are nevoie de o lesă pentru câini. Colecția Bad Puppy vă oferă alegerea perfectă atunci când aveți nevoie de o lesă pentru câini.
Ottimo prodotto, molto intrigante esteticamente, decisamente valido e consigliato con il resto del set per un tocco di eleganza nei momenti intimi. Resistenza ottima e materiale morbido.
Produkt trägt sich angenehm tragen, wird aber nicht so langlebig sein wie Echtleder, dass erst bei teuren Varianten weicher ist. Für den gelegentlichen Einsatz aber perfekt.
Leather is a nice alternative to a chain leash in my opinion as you can hear the slight sexy creaking sound leather makes as it twists and turns which is pretty hot for me :) Really good quality leather leash on the whole.
Sehr gute und robuste Leine. Man kann sie sehr leicht abwaschen wenn sie dreckig sind. Was ich ausserdem noch gut finde ist der Karbiner der sehr stabil und hochwertig gefertigt ist.
Strong chain which is fantastically long so gives you the ability to tug at it a bit and not hurt the slave too much...
The leather handle is a nice fit and very strong, it hasn't failed yet.
Some of the nice touches are the things that you can achieve with it. Not only can it be the lead but it can be the collar and the lead, or a choke chain for those very naughty nights.
The lead is a must for us that have naughty little pets that need training...