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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
Okay, folks, this vanilla-flavored massage gel is a total game-changer in the bedroom. First off, the smell – it's like being wrapped in the coziest, most delicious vanilla cloud ever. And the taste? Absolutely stellar! Sweet without being too much, and that hint of genuine vanilla is a total winner, especially during oral.
The texture is another huge plus. It's smooth, doesn't get sticky, and warms up slightly on the skin, which feels awesome. I'm a guy, and let me tell you, my girl absolutely loves this stuff when we're getting down to our intimate moments. And when it comes to oral – she's all about it, the flavor, the warmth, everything.
We had some genuinely unforgettable nights thanks to this gel, and it makes every touch and every kiss just so much more. It’s like every stroke brings us closer and gets us more into each moment. It’s fun, it’s tasty, and it totally levels up our intimate time together. Honestly, can't recommend it enough to any couple looking to spice things up a bit!
Schnelle Lieferung und ebenso bin ich zufrieden mit dem Play-Sheet. Wer Wet-Games mag, kann hiermit nichts falsch machen und es spart eine Menge an Wäsche waschen. Riecht anfänglichst ein bißchen nach Gummi. Einfach etwas ausbreiten und lüften.
Verdammt ist das lecker!! :D Ohne Witz – wir haben tatsächlich überlegt ob wir damit auch mal unseren Kaffee süßen sollen..;-) Aber Spaß bei Seite: wirklich großartiges Massagegel, das 0,0 chemisch schmeckt (sondern wirklich einfach nach leckerem Karamell) und nicht klebt. Einfach klasse...ich glaube die Flasche ist bald schon leer...^^ Definitiv zum anbeißen gut!
This item appears to be well made, and easy to use. easy to judge the amount of lub in the Grease Gun. Its smooth finish makes it easy to use without any discomfort. and more important easy to clean after use
Used just in the hand for masturbation,Formula X Anal Injection Lube again, works pretty well. After about 20 minutes, the formula did start to dry out and get a little bit sticky (which is always one of my issues with standard water-based lubricants), but a little saliva once again reactivated the lube, and it was pleasantly slippery again.
During sex, the silicone allows for smooth entry. We were able to enjoy a full session without having to reapply any more. When were finished, it rinsed away very easily (which is where silicone lube falls down). It performed well, and allowed for comfortable penetrative sex. Again, that’s all that I really require from my lube, so another thumbs up.
Read full review: https://thebiggayreview.com/formula-x-anal-injection-lube/