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De la 18
Următoarele pagini sunt destinate exclusiv adulților. Prin INTRAREA confirmați că aveți cel puțin 18 ani.
This ball crusher is a simple yet effective device perfect for those that love cock and ball torture. It's just the right tool for ball crushing or weighted ball stretching. Slip your testicles through the gap and use the screw to tighten the clamp just above your balls for a weighted stretch. The simple screw mechanism gives you great control over the intense pressure you can inflict on your testicles but be sure not to cut off circulation! Simply turn the screw mechanism, counter clockwise, to make the bar move inward, applying deep pressure against the balls. Once you've gotten used to the weight of this devious device you can use the loop on the end to hang additional weights or to attach rope. When you're into cock and ball torture then you know full well that the sky is the limit. When you're ready to release them just reverse the direction of the screw.